Well guess who just got a mentor? Me! Basically I applied, and within a week a professor at the medical college let me know that she would be interested in mentoring me and wants to meet for coffee when I come campus in only 15 short days. Holy smokes. I am seriously almost turning into Sarah, that's how excited I am right now. Basically the deal is, we meet and discuss what I want to do (her focus is in neurology) then I just kind of watch her for a bit, little by little I should get more responsibility and eventually do some research of my own. So yeah I'm stoked. Oh another plus, did I mention that she's works at the university's med school (our med school is sixth in the nation - little bit of catamount pride). This is good because I have been playing with the idea that next summer I could go with UVM's MEDLIFE program to South America and give basic medical treatment to people that need it (playing with the idea means I plan to do this but I have to convince the parents to send me to a third world country). Anyway perhaps with an in at the med school, I will have a better chance at getting into the program.
So yeah, I'm already piling things into my schedule. I have a feeling that I'll be cursing myself in a little while but for now I am so excited to be busy again.