I had a meeting with a woman in the Animal Science Department today because after watching lots of surgery this winter I think I am officially ready to say (and stick with) Veterinary Medicine as my career of choice. Ok so meeting with Animal Science lady was your typical meeting with an Academic Advisor blah blah blah but then she mentioned something quite exciting:
Rutgers is trying to develop a partnership with the Vet School in Heidelberg University in Germany for Rutgers students to be accepted into a program, spend their senior year in Germany and then as long as they don't fail out, have a guaranteed spot at the University for Vet School! And then she mentioned that she wants to send the top people of the class with a deep interest in veterinary medicine to go there and by the looks of things I would be a perfect candidate! And I'm not even in the Animal Science program yet! So a few years abroad may be in my future after all. Interesting.
Auf Wiedersehen!
I've been to Heidelberg! You would LOVE it there!